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ReCommerce and Reusable Packaging: A Perfect Union for Sustainable Success

Redefining ReCommerce with Eco-Conscious Packaging Solutions

Sustainable user experience in re-commerce using single-use packaging is an oxymoron. It doesn't exist.

The notion of sustainable user experiences in re-commerce using single-use packaging is a contradiction in terms. In the realm of re-commerce, or "reverse commerce", which involves the buying, selling, and trading of pre-owned goods, sustainability is key.

This thriving sector is an intersection of e-commerce and the circular economy, where the emphasis is on keeping products in use and circulation while maximising positive impacts and minimising the negative ones.

Reusable packaging, like that offered by RePack, becomes not just an option, but a necessity in this eco-forward approach, especially for renting, collecting, leasing, or servicing various products from ski gear to electronics.

Peace of Mind in Every Delivery

Our robust, durable packaging is purpose-built to handle the demands of both deliveries, returns, take-backs and fill-ups, ensuring the products you ship  reach their destination securely, with a feel good factor to boot. With RePack, you can trust that your orders are in good hands, reducing the risk of damage during transit and removing the need to replace packaging after every delivery.

Minimise Your Environmental Footprint

Switching to RePack from single-use alternatives allows you to significantly lower the impact of your online orders in re-commerce services. This sustainable shift is a vital step in achieving your environmental objectives while offering an eco-conscious solution to your customers.

Effortless RePack Integration for Re-Commerce

Incorporating RePack into your re-commerce operations is as simple as 1-2-3

  1. Rent RePack Bags: For a convenient monthly fee, you can rent our reusable RePack bags.
  2. Seamless Exchanges: Swap RePack parcels back and forth within your re-commerce operations. You maintain full control over your shipments, reverse logistics, and any refurbishment
  3. Consistent supply: Never worry about running out of stock with our monthly top-up options and asset tracking, and we'll replace any damaged bags

Affordable and Aligned with Your Goals

Why wrestle with the complexities of sourcing traditional packaging materials when you can save time, money, and logistics headaches with reusable packaging? RePack operates on a leasing model, ensuring our interests align with yours. The more durable the packaging, the longer our partnership, and the better it is for everyone.

Say Goodbye to Frustrations

With RePack, you can leave behind the worries of rapidly rising costs, packaging shortages, unreliable lead times, and waste management expenses. Say hello to peace of mind, secure packaging stock, controlled costs, a 99% reduction in waste, and a significantly improved environmental impact.

Pricing That Suits Your Needs

Our monthly fee is adaptable to your specific contract length and the volume you need. It's a cost-effective way to invest in a more sustainable, cost-efficient future for your re-commerce operations. If your RePack is damager or lost, don't worry, our service is there for you.

Take the Leap: Elevate Your Re-Commerce Business with RePack

Ready to transform your re-commerce operations with RePack? Contact us today to explore our reusable packaging solutions and discover how we can build a brighter, more sustainable future for your re-commerce business and the environment.

How to implement reusable packaging?



We begin with an analysis of your current packaging and customer journey, crafting the business and sustainability case.



Test the waters with a small trial using our existing packaging range or a custom-designed prototype, refining through iterative feedback.



Transition to scale use with RePack's support. We're there every step of the way, from leasing to purchasing, bolstered by guides and best practices.



Our commitment continues with package replacements and support during peak seasons, as we help your team embrace the world of reusable solutions.Can empty RePack be returned directly back to my own warehouse?


Can empty RePack be returned back to my own warehouse?
Is delivery costs to the customers included in the RePack fee too?
What happens to customer returns?
What is the point of returning an empty packaging? Think of all the CO2 emissions.
Is the prepaid empty return included in the montly leasing price?

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